list of notary SERVICES

Blue Encore L.L.C welcomes you and we appreciate you visiting today. We are open for new partnerships, new contracts and ready to streamline your closings. If you are in the real estate business or lending industry, you know first hand how valuable a Signing Agent is to closing your transaction. Signing Agents are one of the final integral steps in most real estate transactions before closing. 

          Commissioned in the Commonwealth of Virginia / NNA Certified / National Association Member / RON Notary


escrow officers, lenders, investors and title companies

Types of Notarizations

The American Land Title Association recently released new and revised terms and information for all forms of notarization currently in use. The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) made it possible to use electronic signatures and storage of financial documents in digital formats in place of a traditional wet signature on paper. This was the first step in making eClosing and eRecording a reality. Other state and federal laws, including the “full faith and credit” clause of the US Constitution, the federal ESIGN Act, and other state statutes, act as the legal structure supporting electronic notarization.

Traditional Wet Ink Notarization (TWIN) provided by Blue Encore LLC

Signatories in a TWIN (also known as a traditional notarization) appear in person before a notary to wet ink sign paper documents. The notary verifies their identity on the spot, and applies their signature and seal on paper.

Remote Online Notarization (RON) provided by Blue Encore LLC

Signatories appear before an eNotary via a two-way, audio-video conference over the internet to eSign digital documents. Identity is verified with photo ID and correctly answering knowledge-based authentication questions. A recording of the transaction is available to permissible parties. eNotes are required. HB No. 2318 effective March 26, 2011

Other Types of Notarizations:

Paper Remote Online Notarization (PRON)

Signatories appear before an eNotary via a two-way, audio-video conference over the internet to eSign and eNotarize most documents. Identity is verified with a photo ID and correctly answering knowledge-based authentication questions. After the transaction, any documents that need a wet ink signature must also be wet ink notarized before returning to the settlement agent to finalize the closing. A recording of the transaction is available to permissible parties. This process will generate at least one paper document that will be wet ink signed, notarized and returned to the settlement agent. This is typically the promissory note, but multiple documents can be processed this way.

Remote Ink Notarization (RIN)

Signatories appear before a notary by means of two-way, audio-video communication technology, where the notary observes the wet ink signing of the documents. Once completed, the original documents are returned to the notary via overnight delivery for certification and execution by the notary and affixation of the official stamp or seal.



Allows you to close from anywhere from approved such as our home state Virginia 

Faster document delivery

Offers shorter signing appointments

Altered digital documents are easily identified

Streamlines the closing process

Lowers risk of missing signatures or documents

Creates a convenient way to sign documents

Helps businesses “go green” by eliminating paper use and storage

Reduces error from omitted or illegible Notary seals

escrow officers, lenders, investors and title companies